A snapshot into the lives of Mary and Alan

Friday, October 31, 2008

End of a project

Well - here are 4 of my research team heading down the drive this morning after 2 weeks of coming each day for BodyTalk!

There were 5 boys altogether - one fell at the first fence as mum had other priorities come her way - and they have all shown improvement since we started. Behaviour, appetite and calmness have all improved. Am now hoping the mums will go and do basic training so they can continue with what we have started. They all seem quite keen!

Alan has had to be Mr Mop this morning as the first load of laundry I put on dumped its water load all over the floor! Not so drastic as that area of the garage was in need of a bit of a clean anyway - but perhaps NOT with the rest of the laundry lying on the floor! - I think I would have used some floor cloths - but at least it got done!

I have nothing else on the agenda apart from some hours to dedicate to my garden and, as the sun is shining, I am off!

Hope someone out there is reading this - other than me!!

Love to all


Anne's Blog said...

Let me see if I can make a comment

Anne's Blog said...

Yea 0t works!!!