A snapshot into the lives of Mary and Alan

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Busy Week

Hi All

Have had a busy week after a full-on weekend in Auckland re-doing one of the BodyTalk modules. Am heading back there tomorrow so thought I would touch base first to say hello!

Went to the 2nd day of my face reading course yesterday and discovered that my square, flat forehead means I will constantly research things and then share my knowledge - so no surprises there then!It also indicates that I get very focussed on a new project, to the exclusion of everything else -but just as readily get bored and start something else!

Also learned how to assess how people best learn - either by visuals, auditory or kinesthetically. All you need to do is look at their eyes, ears and nose and the feature that is largest indicates which of the above is their preferred method. Clever or what?

I am now trying to organise a weekend course in Self development/psychic ability following the trip to Morrinsville a couple of weeks ago. Looks like early January for that one so just watch this space!

Also found time to go to my walking group today and to a super yoga class on Tuesday where we were doing shoulder stands and ended up in a ] position with arms and legs straight out over our head - now THAT was super and gave me a real 'feel good' factor!

The car has been in for a very expensive service as the transmission (or something) had to be done and 2 tyres had to be replaced! - not nice! Still, all set for another few thousand kilometres so we should be Ok for a month or three.

We are currently enjoying lots of the new season asparagus and lots of new potatoes. - nothing more from our veggie patch as yet but it won't be long as there is one cabbage that is ripe for cutting and the broccoli heads are growing daily. 4 of the tomato plants are flowering and putting forth fruits so it is all very rewarding to see.

The lawn got mowed this week too - I did it before tea yesterday and Alan did the borders - so it is looking good especially now the new grass seed has sprouted and filled in all the bald patches where I overzealously tried to rid us if some invasive grass and weeds last year!

Well, time for bed now so will away. New client coming in the morning before I head up to Auckland and I have yet to pack my things and get organised.

Hugs to all and looking forward to seeing you all again on Monday!

1 comment:

Anne's Blog said...

How nice to get your blog when I returned from a lovely weekend of rest and refit in Bahrain. went to the American Marine Ball - very formal occasion for which I had a new dress and Gordon dressed up in his tuxedo - very swish!!

I also promised Jenny's website which is www.jennykeithhughes.com
She is showing in New York again this week.